How To Study Abroad
Study abroad: Step-by-step!
Preparing to study abroad involves far more than picking a destination. Follow the steps below to ensure that you understand and are prepared for the journey!
Set up an advising profile on the Education Abroad website.
Set up an advising profile. This will allow the Education Abroad office to advise you and keep you up to date on programs of interest. Setting up a profile will also allow you to save programs of interest to your profile for later review.
Attend a Study Abroad 101 information session.
The 101 information session provides a short introduction to study abroad: why students go abroad, types of programs you can choose from, financing options, academic planning, how to apply, convincing your family, and important deadlines. Study Abroad 101 sessions are held the 2nd Thursday of each month from 12:00 - 1:00 p.m. in CGI-114 and online (pre-registration is required for online attendees only; seating is limited).
Browse available CSUSB-approved study abroad programs and narrow the choices.
Consider where you are interested in living and learning -- is it somewhere that you've always wanted to travel, a place where you speak the local language, the home of your ancestors, or something totally new? Also think about how long you want to be away (a few weeks, a semester, a year ...), what you hope to get out of the program (coursework toward your major, coursework not available at CSUSB, increased language proficiency, cultural experiences, personal growth ...), and how much money you are willing to spend on the program.
Select the "Search Programs" tab in the navigation menu, and then select "List all" to see available programs. You can also use the "simple search" and "advanced search" functions to filter opportunities by country, region, program length ("term"), program type, and other parameters. Click the floppy disk icon in the program list to save a program to your profile. Click on your profile (upper right of the goabroad website) to review the programs you have saved.
Schedule a one-on-one advising appointment with the Education Abroad Office advising team.
The Education Abroad Office advising team can help you to better understand the programs that you are interested in (or, identify programs that meet your needs and interests, if you are having trouble narrowing down the list on your own), map out the academic and financial planning that are needed to study abroad, find scholarship opportunities, and get ready to apply. One-on-one appointments are available online and in person, Monday through Friday.Make a financial plan.
Be sure that you understand the full cost of your study abroad program (including program fees, roundtrip airfare, tuition, campus fees, and passport / travel visa) and make a plan to cover the expenses. Review our information about financial aid and consider applying for scholarship opportunities. We also anticipate that all degree-seeking students will continue to receive a Presidential Study Abroad Scholarship that provides $500 toward the costs of study abroad participation.
If you are Pell Grant-eligible, we especially encourage you to apply for a Gilman Scholarship, which will pay $5000 toward your study abroad costs ($8000 if your program includes study of a language deemed critical by the US government). More than half of CSUSB students receive Pell Grants. If you are unsure if you are Pell-eligible, contact the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships to ask.
For financial planning assistance, visit the Financial Aid and Scholarships Office in UH-150. Drop-in advising is available Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. and 1:30 - 4:00 p.m. You can also make an appointment with Stevonna Lathan, the education abroad specialist in the office.
If you plan to use veterans benefits to study abroad, make an appointment with the Veterans Success Center's certifying officer at the beginning of your planning process to ensure eligibility.
Make an academic plan.
Where you plan ahead, participation in a semester- or year-long study abroad program does not require that you add any semesters to your degree timeline! Coursework completed through a CSUSB-approved study abroad program will transfer to CSUSB so long as you provide a grade report or official transcript to the Education Abroad Office upon completion of the program (this step is not required for CSUSB-led programs!). Using courses completed through study abroad toward specific degree requirements for your major or for General Education, however, requires pre-approval. You are encouraged to meet with your Department Chair (for major or minor requirements) or a professional advisor (for General Education requirements) to review your plan.
When you are searching program options for semester- and year-long programs, seek out a campus that offers courses matching with your department's requirements (go to "search programs" and then "advanced search" and select your area of study to see possible matches, then search each university of interest's catalog of classes). If you would like more flexibility in course and campus selection during semester- or yearlong programs, consider saving General Education requirements to complete overseas. Note that GE designations of WI, G, and DI must be completed at CSUSB.
Students who plan to use veterans benefits to study abroad will be restricted in the campuses and programs they can attend, as well as the courses they can take. Begin your academic planning as soon as possible to ensure eligibility.
Learn more about academic planning.
Apply to the program of your choice.
Navigate to the program search and select "apply now" for the program(s) that you would like to participate in.
- For CSUSB-led Programs, you will complete a simple application and pay a $150 application fee.
- For Exchange Programs, you will compete a simple application and provide a preliminary plan for your international coursework.
- For CSUIP Programs, you will be redirected to the CSUIP website, maintained by the Chancellor's Office. After you are accepted, you will register with CSUSB.
- For Direct Enroll programs, you will be redirected to the program's website. After you are accepted, you will register with CSUSB.
Pay attention to application deadlines, which are typically 4-8 months before the program start date.
- For programs that begin in the summer and fall semester, plan to apply by January.
- For programs that begin in the spring semester, plan to apply by October.
- For programs that take place in the fall semester or the winter intersession that follows, plan to apply by April.
After you are accepted to a program, complete the required registration forms.
After you are accepted, you are required to complete a series of documents. This may include, but is not limited to: a participant agreement, photo release form, and release of liability form. These documents will be made available to you via the goabroad website.Note that if you apply for an Exchange Program, you will receive notification that you have been selected for nomination to the host institution of your choice (spots are limited, and some students will not be offered a spot; in that case we will work with you to find another study abroad opportunity). The nomination will then be sent to the host institution for review. The host institution may request that you complete a second application with them. Once your nomination has been accepted, you will be asked to register with CSUSB and with the host institution.
Pay the program fees.
For CSUSB-Led programs, students will pay Program Fees in several installments directly through the goabroad website (using CASHNet as the payment portal). Program fees are typically due well in advance of the program start date -- around February and March for summer programs, June for fall and winter intersession programs, and November for spring programs. Payments can be made via credit card (there is a service charge) or electronic check (no charge; money removed directly from your bank account).CSUIP students pay no fees directly to CSUSB (all fees are paid through the Chancellor's Office).
Direct Enroll students pay program fees directly to the host institution, and a registration fee to CSUSB.
Exchange students pay their tuition to CSUSB, and pay a registration fee with the CSUSB Education Abroad Office. Other fees (for example, housing) will be paid directly to or through the host institution.
Apply for your passport and visa.
All program participants require a passport to travel. Some programs will also require that you obtain a travel visa. Passport and visa processing take time and should be started at least 4 months before your program start date. More information on passports and visas.If you are undocumented, contact the Undocumented Student Success Center for guidance on travel outside of the US and assistance with advanced parole.
Enroll in your courses. Pay tuition and campus fees, if required.
Academic coursework is central to the study abroad experience. Each program type and each program has specific course enrollment procedures. In almost all cases, you will not be automatically enrolled in these courses. You will also not be automatically withdrawn from these courses if you leave the program.Tuition and campus fees are separate from program fees and must be paid according to the schedule and procedures established by Student Financial Services. Where you are awarded a Presidential Study Abroad Scholarship, these funds will be applied to your tuition and campus fees. Any remaining scholarship funds will be disbursed to you in the form of a check or direct deposit.
Tuition and campus fees are charged for most faculty-led programs. Exchange program students pay tuition and campus fees directly to CSUSB. CSUIP students pay tuition directly to the CSU Chancellor's Office. Direct enroll students are not required to pay CSUSB tuition.
Book your flight.
Unless your program includes a group flight, you will be responsible for booking your own international airfare. If you are traveling on a CSUSB-led program, book your flight only after you receive confirmation from the Education Abroad Office that your program has reached minimum capacity to run. This is not the same as being accepted into the program. A sufficient number of students must be accepted into a program and pay their program fees in order to guarantee sufficient funding for the program to run. Once your program hits minimum capacity you will be sent clear notification via email that it is time to book your flight.Exchange students should not purchase their flight until their nomination is accepted and all program details and payments are confirmed. Direct enroll students are advised not to book their flight until their program placement is confirmed. CSUIP students will be advised by the CSUIP program on timelines.
Once your flight has been booked, you will submit your flight information through this website (using the Terra Dotta application interface). Be sure that you book your flight to arrive at the required airport. Note that public transportation is available to reach both Ontario International Airport (ONT) and Los Angeles International Airport (LAX).
Attend the pre-departure orientation.
The CSUSB Education Abroad Office will organize a general pre-departure orientation for all outbound students. The presentation will cover essential information that includes: health and safety while abroad; logistics of living abroad; University policies and student responsibilities; and preparing for international travel. You will additionally receive destination-specific information, either from the Education Abroad Office or from your designated program director. Your attendance at all scheduled pre-departure orientations for your program is required.Pack your bags.
Be sure to bring clothing that is appropriate for comfort, the weather, and cultural norms. You should also pack any needed toiletries and personal items You might also want to have with you a day bag, reusable water bottle, waterproof phone pouch, and small gifts for new friends.Complete your program.
Enjoy your time abroad and fully dedicate yourself to your academic work. Share pictures with the Education Abroad Office!You are required to follow all University policies as well as any policies mandated by host universities, facilities, and third party providers for the duration of your study abroad participation. Violations may lead to program dismissal.
Complete the post-program survey.
Upon program completion, you will receive the post-program survey. Be sure to share your experiences with us!