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Program Director Responsibilities


As the Director of a CSUSB-led program, you will do more than teach a class overseas. Leading a study abroad program also includes a great deal of service work, as well as overseeing the safety and wellbeing of student participants for the duration of the study abroad program. These responsibilities include:

Before Program Approval

  • Research the destination and set an itinerary
  • Preliminary research and budgeting for all expenses
  • Work with CISP to request estimates from third party service providers (if applicable)
  • Work with CISP to cultivate formal partnerships (if applicable)
  • Develop course learning objectives and map out a plan for contact hours
  • Discuss your plans with appropriate administrators (chair, dean, supervisor, etc.) to ensure their support
  • Submit a program proposal at least 6 months before the program start date

After Program Approval

  • Develop full course syllabus and finalize itinerary
  • Work with CISP to finalize the budget and set program fees
  • Complete a safety plan
  • Recruit and select participants
  • Provide content for and feedback on marketing materials 
  • Hold information sessions and organize class visits to inform students of the opportunity
  • Deliver a site-specific pre-departure orientation
  • Submit a concur request for travel, including request for cash advance

While Abroad

  • Follow the itinerary and syllabus to deliver course material and supervise student learning
  • Ensure student well-being and safety, responding to and properly reporting all incidents
  • Oversee and adjudicate student discipline
  • Contact the Education Abroad Office for assistance at any time
  • Send photos to the Education Abroad Office

Upon Return

  • Evaluate student performance and assign grades 
  • Reconcile financials
  • Encourage students to complete the program evaluation

The Education Abroad Office is here to help faculty who wish to organize education abroad opportunities for CSUSB students. Specific responsibilities of the Education Abroad Office include:

  • Support CSUSB-led program proposal development
  • Review program proposals for academic strength, safety, viability, and compliance with campus and CSU policies
  • Secure approvals from appropriate administrators to offer the program
  • Review credentials of potential third party service vendors
  • Finalize program budget and set program fees
  • Collect and review student applications and payments
  • Execute agreements with and issue payments to vendors and partners
  • Develop marketing materials for each program
  • Market programs and monitor prospective student interest
  • Administrative course builds
  • Secure international travel insurance for all program participants
  • Gather approvals for GE equivalencies 
  • Deliver a general pre-departure orientation
  • Monitor TravelAlert notifications
  • Provide support for responding to and reporting adverse incidents