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Marketing & Recruitment


Recruitment of program participants for CSUSB-led programs is done jointly by the Faculty Director(s) and the Education Abroad Office. 

Strategies include:

  • Information sessions, led by the program director(s)
  • International Education Week, organized by the Center for International Studies and Programs
  • Education Abroad Expo, organized by the Education Abroad Office
  • Monthly Study Abroad 101 information sessions
  • Tabling on Coyote Walkway and other locations
  • Digital advertising across campus
  • Printed advertising across campus
  • Email campaigns
  • Social media posts
  • Classroom visits and presentations
The Education Abroad Office will ask you for program highlights and your ideas about the student populations most likely to have interest in your program. We will use this to develop outreach and marketing materials. You will have the opportunity to provide feedback on these materials, and you will be encouraged to help with dissemination to ensure the broadest possible audience. You will also be encouraged to hold informational sessions, make class presentations, and participate in the Study Abroad Expo.

It is important to cast as wide a net as possible when recruiting students. For every 100 students that hear about the program, perhaps 10 will take steps to  learn more, 2 will begin an application, and 1 will enroll. These numbers are higher when the Program Director(s) is/are directly involved.